May was ripe with fun-filled educational and social activities – from baking muffins for Mother’s Day, hosting a local farmer’s market to collect and learn about nutritious foods and learning ways to build self-confidence to finalizing plans for our We Are ONE Chicago Celebration and getting ready for summer!

Read on to enjoy all that transpired this month and to learn what’s ahead.

Upcoming Events Banner

Mark Your Calendar 

Check out these fun events we have coming up, and join us! 

  • Wednesday, June 21 – Foster Parent Orientation

  • Wednesday, June 28 – Foster Parent Training
  • **Thursday, June 29 – Quarterly Family Summer Fun Event

for more event details and volunteer opportunities

* Events open to the public (most of our events are community-based)
** Volunteers are needed

Pathways ( X Px)

Painting Party

On June 24th, a few members of the Junior Board will embark on the Early Learning Center to give a facelift to the sign out front to help the outside reflect the warmth inside our beloved Center.

Newsletter Program Photos ( )

Meet A CPA Team Member 

Meet Staff Newsletter Banner ( )
Pathways ( X Px) ( )

The KIPP school year culminated on May 31st, marking a momentous occasion for us as we had the privilege of supporting and guiding 35 remarkable students at KIPP ONE Academy. The enthusiasm and dedication with which we served them were truly exhilarating. As we reflect on this past year, we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to further strengthen our partnership in the coming year, fostering continued growth and achievement for our students.

Thrive Family Night
Families engaged in a delightful evening of culinary adventures alongside Miss Sheena, resulting in a truly unforgettable and enjoyable night.

Newsletter Program Photos ( )

Jayden working on his art project, a group of KIPP students working on their art project, and family cooking night with Miss Sheena

CLICK HERE for more pictures of our Thrivers

Summer Camps

We are so excited to venture into our third year of Thrive Summer Camps!

July 10th – July 28th, Tuesday – Thursday, 10am – 4pm for KIPP students.
July 31st – August 11th, Monday – Thursday, 10am – 4pm for Child Thrive kids.

Both sessions will have STEM, Art, Music, and field trips.

We are also thrilled to be partnering once again with Goldfish Swim School to provide important, life-saving swim lessons to our youth and are currently looking to secure more partners interested in offering educational and enrichment opportunities for our campers.

Sports Physicals & Pediatric Consultations
Does your child(ren) have a cold, flu, strep throat, or COVID-19? If you don’t know, take advantage of getting a free consultation! We offer the community free school-age pediatric consultations and sports physicals with our continued partnership with Rush and Dr. Margi. Every Wednesday (unless otherwise noted by Dr. Margi) from 1–5 PM. To set an appointment, email Child Thrive.