American research professor, lecturer, author, and podcast host., Brené Brown said, “Connection is why we’re here. It’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives… In order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen, really seen.”
In reality, everyone is fighting an invisible battle of some kind, and knowing this inspires us to extend greater compassion and empathy to those around us. At Children’s Place, we strive daily to provide our kids and families – most of whom are facing seemingly insurmountable barriers and daily trials – with a foundation of acceptance, love and support that allows for the sharing, openness and deeper connection that everyone deserves and needs…no matter what their circumstances are or have been.
Mark Your Calendar
Check out these fun events we have coming up and join us!
- Wednesday, July 20 – Foster Care Orientation
- Sunday, August 28 – 2nd Annual Pickleball Fundraiser (more details soon)
Oh, What A Night!
Over 30 years of passion, purpose, and dedication culminated in a night of looking at where we have been, where we are at, and where we are going.
CLICK HERE to see more about the Gala festivities and pictures.
Summer Programs and more!
Child Thrive has a busy summer, and it all started on June 27.
The Mission in Action (M.I.A.) program will be held every Monday this summer from 12:30 to 2:30 pm.
The second year of Mini-Camps is underway Mon – Thurs from 11:00 am to 2:30 pm. We have doubled our reach in only the second year, and we look forward to continuing to grow the program.
Mental Health
Our partner, JPA, continues to offer mental health counseling on-site (at WHP) every Friday (unless otherwise noted by JPA and/or Ben) from 2:00 to 6:00 pm with Ben. We have also added on a new counselor, Julie, for individuals who prefer service with a female-oriented/gendered person. These services are available to everyone associated with CPA and the West Humboldt Park community. Connect with Diana if you know of anyone who would be interested in scheduling a session:
Celebrations, Beginnings, Ceremonies, and more!
July 29 – End of Year Celebration
The ELC Families will be celebrating an end-of-year block party with several activities, raffle prizes, and time to rejoice with our school’s community!
Class Openings beginning August 22
ELC has openings this fall school year for the 2-year-old and preschool 3–5-year-old rooms.
August 17 – Graduation and Moving Up Ceremonies
This year’s festivities will be held at The Salvation Army Freedom Center for children leaving Center Base for kindergarten and those leaving Home Base for preschool. 18 kids are graduating to kindergarten, 7 have been accepted to Charter Schools, 1 to a selective enrollment gifted program, and the rest will be attending local, or choice school options based on parental preference. Most students will be returning for the 22-23 program year.
Welcome Little Ones
Two families have welcomed new babies this past month, and they will be enrolled in our infant room in August.
Congratulations Momma
An ELC mom graduated from a phlebotomy program at Malcolm X College and has already accepted a full-time position.
Congratulations to Maria, ELC’s Receptionist, who just graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education with a specialization in Special Education.
A Warm Thank You
A parent, leaving our program as their child graduates to kindergarten, after having three of her children go through the program, sent the team a card with this message:
“3 children of ours
Have journeyed through this special place.
And as the last departs,
We’ll miss your warm embrace.
The genuine smiles
And funny faces
The happy dances
And silly feet.
The lessons; each packing their own blessings.
The list goes on and on.
But most of all,
We’ll miss the sheer confidence
That came from knowing
We could trust
The care, the comfort, and the love
We found at
The Children’s Place.”
Homeward bound and more!
Successful Adoption
We had another successful adoption for a five-year-old special needs boy, Leon, as he was adopted by his foster mom, Karen. He has thrived under her care along with the support of the Foster Care team.
Supplies for Kids & Families
Our Foster Care team is looking for help with the following:
- Back-to-school supplies for our foster kids
- Gift cards for families in need or in crisis
Contact if you can donate any items.
Our case manager, Almeta, continues to receive high praise from foster parents. A recent foster parent requested Almeta to be assigned to her case calling her caring, sweet, supportive, and that she is an extremely hard worker and responsive.
On the Farm
CPI Northern Haiti New Ventures afterschool program participants in Gonaives recently had the opportunity to visit the John Mélanie Clark agricultural farm. An agronomist was on hand to educate the cohort about local agricultural methods and the profession of agronomy. Participants appreciated the opportunity to learn how agricultural science is applied in their communities and across Haiti. The New Ventures program encourages young people to learn about various career opportunities and how they can make an impact on their communities and country.
Major Company & Foundation Supporters
Crown Family Philanthropies, Meghan Reilly, LCSW, Inc., Northwestern Medicine, Rossman Family Foundation, Wolff Contracting
Major Individual Supporters
Pam Andre, Omar Aquino, Brenda Asare, Curtis Austin, Andrew Basso, Diane Bemer, Fredi Bensdorf, David Blocker, Derek Breese, William Bryan, Alan Burack, Rees Candee, Dawn Cardin, Jeffrey Case, Lori Casey, Kelli Caudill, Rose Collins, Erik Conrad, Kristen Daihes, Brandon Davis, Patricia Dechant, Joie DeGraff, Rich Dern, Daniel Dever, Olivia Diddlebock, Brittany Edens, Kyle Edmonds, Lorena Esparza, Joseph Fabusiwa, Ellie Forman, Stephen Gongola, Patrick Hanrahan, Katherine Hapeman, Leo Harmon, Jon Henderson, Bob Holland, Mina Im, Howard Jacob, Eric Jacobson, Dianne Johnson, Norah Jones, Richard Judd, Jackie Kestler, Jeffrey Knight, Daniel Koschik, Joe Kozak, Kurt Kramer, Cathy Krieger, Matt Krizmanich, Molly Kump, Marisa Kurk, Jennifer Kusachi, Binita Kwankin, Stephanie Lackey, Paige Larson, Khun Lebakken, Zach Lehman, Lisa Leslie, Sheryl Lipnick, Danielle Litinsky, Gregg Lunceford, Elizabeth Marek, Elizabeth Maurer, Stephanie McAndrew, Jeff McDonald, Ellen Moiani, Adrivit Mukherjee, Thomas Muldoon, Stephen Murphy, Janet Myers, LaToyia Neal, David Ormsby, Spencer Pawielski, Jessica Powers, Diana Prahl, Cheri Priddy, Meghan Reilly, Matthew Roma, John Ryan, John Salvino, Joan Savage, John Schetz, Leslie Schloss, Marc Schmidt, Gordon Scott, Wendi Shelist, Julia Soda, Sarah Sommario, Hannah Song, Nate Stortzum, John Sweeney, Jingwen Tang, Andrew Tonino, Patrice Tucker, Christie Wang, John Ward, Susan Weidel, Laura Williams, Jennifer Yuen, Danny Zalay
Volunteer Opportunities
Join in and be part of the solution in helping Chicago’s most vulnerable kids. We have a variety of volunteer opportunities available.
ELC Volunteer Opportunities
- July 29: Setting up for the End of the Year Celebration and running different activity stations.
- August 15, 16, 18 & 19: Need help with changes between program years and helping the teachers organize their classrooms and the rest of the building.
Contact for more information on these volunteer opportunities.
Child Thrive Volunteer Opportunities
- Mission In Action (M.I.A.): We are actively looking for participants and volunteers to mentor for our teen-led program (grades 9 through 12) after-school in the West Humboldt Park area.
- Summer Mini-Camps: Need help with day-to-day activities.
Contact for more information on these volunteer opportunities.
Help Grow Our Mission
There are plenty of volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Check out which might be most suitable for you:
- Volunteers to teach/mentor at Child Thrive programs
- Join our Junior Board
- Join our Gala Committee
- Adopt a family
- and so much more!
Whatever your skillset or time commitment, we have something that fits YOU!
Contact us today to learn more and get started on your volunteer journey.
Other CPA Opportunities
CPA Employment
Our Foster Care Program is seeking a Licensing & Recruitment Coordinator. We have other openings, too. Read about all the existing opportunities to work at Children’s Place Association.
Foster Parents Needed
Foster parents are needed! If you would like to learn more about our foster care program, email to learn more.
Invest in a Child’s Future
Your support helps us provide critical services to children and their families affected by serious health issues and extreme poverty. Whether it’s a one-time gift or a recurring monthly donation, $5 or $500, it has a direct impact on our children’s future.
Technology for Education & Employment
We all know how important education and job security are for a family’s health and stability. Many of our families are struggling now more than ever to pay for critical resources needed to access e-learning for our early education home-based kids, search job listings, attend virtual medical appointments, and even order food online for those who can’t afford transportation to get to the store or medical provider.
We are looking to raise $35,000 to:
- Buy tablets and laptops for our home-based early learning students and Mission in Action Program youth to support their career and college readiness curriculum and projects