All seasons of the year present challenges to the West Humboldt Park neighborhood, and winter is one of the hardest. Children’s Place Association was honored to lend a helping hand to Kells Park Community Council’s winter coat giveaway. This event was also supported by The Salvation Army, Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago, Jawaharial Omar Williams, 10th District State Representative, Alderman Burnett’s Office, and our Early Learning staff members. 

In total, we were able to hand out over 200 hundred coats and 70 carts worth of food to the West Humboldt Park neighborhood citizens.  

“These efforts are so vital to our communities. Many are in need, every day, of food and clothing at a minimum. Access to these items is always not as readily available. It’s so important to provide quality food and clothing, as much as we can, to those who need the support,” – Maurice Fears, Sr., Children’s Place Chief Initiatives Officer. 

Coat Give Away event